I know you've already concluded by my title that today is Thinking Thursday. Bravo!
Today I want to challenge you to consider something you may not have thought about before. I'm willing to bet (metaphorically of course) that my title 'Identity Theft' is sparking your curiosity just a bit. It does not, however hold the conventional meaning in this dissertation.
I want to grab your attention to talk about something that is prevelent throughout our world today. We see it in every genre of society; in every sect; in every corner, and in all people. Identity theft!
Let me qualify this misnomer...
Everywhere you turn throughout our world today you will find everyday, unassuming people, walking around with someone else's identity! that's right! Even you might be one of the latest culprits of this alluring and easy to hide wrongdoing. I'm not talking about stolen credit cards and drivers' licenses, this is a greater evil with further reaching effects. To put it simply, we have all been guilty of wanting to be like someone else to the point of taking on their characteristics and personality, leaving our true selves on a shelf somewhere, collecting dust.
'What is the great offense?' you ask - Well, we rob this world of who God has created us to be, doing a dis-service to those who need us for who we really are. This my friend, is a grave injustice.
YOU are a gift from God to others! I know you've heard it many times before that there is no one else like you, with your fingerprint blah, blah blah...but it's true! Your are unique! You may think being yourself doesn't accomplish much but Suzy Sunshine has it all together so why not be like her. No! Do you not know that the very ones you imitate are most likely trying to imitate you!
In short, don't try to be someone that you were never meant to be. This is not only false advertising but you are burdening yourself with the unnecessary stress of going totally against what should be natural for you.
Consider this Psalm of David - "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." - Ps 139:13-16 (NIV)
Now don't you think if God spent that much time, thought, and effort creating someone as wonderful as you, that something really special happened and someone really awesome was born? please don't insult Him by refusing His gift. Determine to be the greatest YOU you possibly can.
Just be yourself...the world is waiting!!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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