Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Get Rested

We often run ourselves aground working and "doing stuff" that all seem so important.

Ambition is a strength we should all possess but we need to be careful not to allow it to drive us over the edge. We can become so consumed by tasks and deadlines, projects and work, that we don't realize that we've crossed the invisible line that leads to poor health and fatigue. Once there, working becomes impossible anyway.

God has placed significant emphasis on rest, and has commanded us to do it. The seventh day of rest is for recovery and rejuvenation for the next round of working days. In the book of Exodus, God commanded the farmers to let the land take a rest at the end of each seven years from cultivating and harvesting.

God is concerned about us and gives these instructions for our benefit. Don't overwork yourself through overzealous ambition. Take a break and rest. Jump back in when you're fully energized. Don't worry, the work will still be there!

"And He [Jesus] said to them, 'Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while..." - Mark 6:31

Be Blessed!


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