Thursday, July 29, 2010


Grief is an emotion that we will all experience at some time or another.

The five stages of grief made popular by author Elizabeth Kubler Ross, in her book Death and Dying, are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It is unclear whether these stages are experienced by everyone who grieves but one thing is certain...we all grieve.

The reason death is so hard to accept is because it is unnatural. We were never made to die! Death was introduced into the world the moment sin announced its arrival. For the Christian, there will come a day when death will be no more.

There is no remedy to grief outside of God's supernatural comfort to help us through it. The Bible says, "it's appointed unto man once to die..." which means we all have an appointment with death at some point,unless we are the ones caught away in 'the rapture'. Death is the frigid, icy bridge we must cross to enter eternity. Our assurance and greatest comfort comes from knowing that our loved ones that have passed away maintained a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and that they have gone to be with Him.

"Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should." - Psalm 90:12

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fear Not!

Fear is a threat that we perceive (real or unreal) that can have a debilitating effect on us.

The Bible teaches that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1:7). This is the only healthy fear. When we fear God, which is a reverential fear, it helps us to see that there is no need to fear man or circumstances. Also, in Luke 12 Jesus teaches us to fear God not man.

Unhealthy fear is the fear of people or circumstances. The opposite of FEAR is FAITH! They cannot co-habit your mind and heart! Faith eliminates fear, like turning on a light switch and darkness disappearing. Have faith in God (Mark 11:23), and fear will have to pack its bags!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2Tim. 1:7

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Loneliness - A deep longing for heart felt interaction with another person or other people. For some, the void remains despite the existence of meaningful relationships...loneliness.

Whatever our perceived or felt needs are in this area, the truth of the matter is that if we are Christians, we are never alone. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promised us, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

I believe the church is one of God's solutions to remedy loneliness. When believers get together something happens! We share our experiences and realize that we are not the only ones facing challenges. We find comfort in just being around others of like faith, and we get to encourage and uplift each other. There is also the fulfilment of getting involved in the work of the church that keeps us satisfied.

If you find yourself fighting feelings of loneliness, let me exhort you to consider these things. I will leave you with these words found in Isaiah...

"Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." - Isaiah 41:10

Be Blessed!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sexual Immorality

Sexual Immorality plagues our world today! It is responsible for countless marriages ending in divorce, children separated from parents, even ministers of the gospel becoming disqualified to continue leading the people God has entrusted them.

It is the age-old problem that deals with an unquenchable thirst for more. It is a beast that is never satisfied and thus it should not be entertained! God designed sex to meet the physical, social, and spiritual needs of a man and a woman, but like anything else, becomes perverted when practiced outside of His divine order. According to the Word of God, sex is only to be enjoyed by those who have made a commitment to covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. Anything else is sin in God's eyes!

This sexually charged society we live in will make you believe sex is okay with whomever, whenever... NOT SO! The Bible has lots to say about sexual and marital purity (Rom 1:24-32, 1Cor 6:9-10, Gal 5:19-21, Lev 18:6-30, 2Cor 11:2, and Titus 2:5). In Job 31:1, Job understood this, so he made a covenant with his eyes, not to look upon a woman lustfully. It would serve us well to make one too!

My friends, be pure before God and live a life that captures His favor, blessing, and power!

"For God wants you to be holy and pure, and to keep clear of all sexual sin so that each of you will marry in holiness and honor-not in lustful passion as the heathen do, in their ignorance of God and His ways." - 1Thes 4:4

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Time For Everything

What significant thing is happening in your life today?

Do you remember the saying, "If it ain't one thing it's something else"? Doesn't it seem like the moment one problem ends another begins? Well, that should be expected. In a lifetime we will experience the good, the bad and yes, the ugly! But I think we need to remember that each situation is temporal. Unfortunately, bad things do happen to good people in this sin ridden, fallen world and though some things last longer than others, they each have an expiration date.

Whatever you may be facing today, know that it had to have its time, but that time will also have an end. Don't let these things take you by surprise, that way you will go through them easier.

"There is a right time for everything: A time to be born; a time to die; a time to plant; a time to harvest; a time to kill; a time to heal; a time to destroy; a time to rebuild; a time to cry; a time to laugh; a time to grieve; a time to dance; a time for scattering stones; a time for gathering stones; a time to hug; a time not to hug; a time to find; a time to lose; a time for keeping; a time for throwing away; a time to tear; a time for repair; a time to be quiet; a time to speak up; a time for loving; a time for hating; a time for war; a time for peace." - Eccl. 3:1-8

Be Blessed!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Listen and Learn

Advice is like hair...everyone has some!

The Bible has a lot to say about advice. It is virtually an inexhaustible subject, so that should indicate just how important it is to God.

The problem is, people don't usually seek after good, Godly advice. We don't desire to become truly wise nor do we seek the advice of others. We often marvel at how King Solomon was the richest man that ever lived but do we remember what made him so wealthy? When he became king his prayer to God wasn't for riches or power or fame or was for the wisdom to lead God's people. The wealth then came as a byproduct of his wisdom.

We should all pray continually for wisdom. The world tells us that we should get knowledge. Knowledge is information, but wisdom is the ability to know what to do with that information.

"I, wisdom, give good advice and common sense. Because of my strength, kings reign in power, and rulers make just laws. I love those who love me. Those who search for me shall surely find me." - Proverbs 8:14-17

Be Blessed!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Scripture typo!!

My apologies! The scripture for my message "Stay In Church!" is found in Heb. 10:25, not Acts 10:25.

Stay In Church!

We all get tired of routine, same old; same old, ritual stuff, right?

Unfortunately we tend to feel that way about church from time to time. I know I do. But let me encourage you with this; God's house is your place of R & R. It's like a gas station to refill you after you've spent what you received the last time you were there. But it's not just our fuelling station for the soul, its the place where God's presence is available to you. He is always there waiting for you. He wants to give you what you need but He also wants what you have for Him. It's like when you would go on a date with someone you love; there was always an exchange taking place when you got together. He would bring you something, and you would bring him something, right?

God's house is also the place where others just like you have come. When you "fellowship" together, the wonderful sharing of stories, experiences, and just being together strengthens each one. This is exactly what the very first church experienced back in the book of Acts, and the Bible records that the church grew daily!

Please let me encourage you today. If you are already attached to a church where God's presence lives, stay committed! If you don't have a church like this, find one and commit there!
Don't just run to church when some tragedy happens! You know, its even more important these days, as the bible says "the times are evil". In addition, Jesus is coming soon!

"Let us not neglect our church meetings, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of His coming back again is drawing near." - Acts 10:25 (The Living Bible).

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

God Is Our Avenger

Is there someone that poses a threat to you?

We are not to be afraid of anyone that's out for us. Fear should never rule your life, no matter who it is that's after you! The Word says that we should not be afraid of those who can harm the body, only He who can destroy the soul!

God wants to avenge us from our enemies. How many times throughout the Bible have we seen God come to the rescue of His people? He never directs them to run, only to stand and see His salvation.

Whomever it is that may want to harm you in any way, turn them over to the Lord in prayer as David did - "Make haste, O God, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and confounded who seek my life; Let them be turned back and confused who desire my hurt." - Psalm 70:1-2

Be Blessed!

Friday, July 9, 2010

No Lack!

Do you find yourself falling a bit short of money these days?

Are you becoming a bit concerned because you don't have enough to cover all your bills? Can't shop like you would like to? Or maybe you're doing OK now but you're stressing over what could happen tomorrow?

Let me help you. First off, God knows your needs. The first verse of the 23rd Psalm says, "The Lord is my shepherd; I SHALL NOT WANT." God is your provider in all that you need. In the book of Matthew, Jesus called His followers "ye of little faith" because they did not believe in Him for provision. His instructions in chapter 6 verse 25 were, " not worry about your life. What you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on." He goes on to explain that the animals have no concern about these things yet God takes care of their needs, and if He does for them, how much more will He do it for us?

Starting today, let the stress go! God has you covered. You may not know how your need will be met but by faith it will.

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!...there is no want to those who fear Him. The young lions lack and suffer hunger, but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing." - Psalm 34:8-10

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wait Patiently

Have you been praying for something and have not yet received an answer?

I know its frustrating when your prayers seem to hit a glass ceiling and go no further. You spend day after day asking, begging, and negotiating with God for an answer, but nothing! What is a Christian supposed to do now, right?

Have patience! Some answers require nothing more than waiting for God's timing. Heb 10:36 says, "You have need of patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise." When you know that you are doing God's will, pray and wait until your answer comes.

"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps." - Psalm 40:1-2

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God Can Do the Impossible

What really BIG thing are you believing God for?

In each of our lives there is at least one thing that we need, something considered to be very important, perhaps urgent. How are you dealing with yours? Have you been praying? Do you really believe that God can take care of it or have you ruled it out as impossible?

There is no doubting there are those special needs that do seem impossible, by natural standards. We can see no way through it by looking at what's available around us. Maybe that's why God tells us to "walk by faith, not by sight." - 2 Cor 5:7. We must believe we receive what we pray for, then we shall have it, according to Mark 11:24.

Remember, there is nothing God cannot do but He refuses to override your own will to believe in Him.

"But Jesus looked at them [His disciples] and said to them, 'With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible' " - Matthew 19:26

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Liberty

There is one thing that we are all proud of here in this great country...our liberty!

Liberty is achieved on the backs of those who pay the price for it. There are many brave men and women that make it possible for us to enjoy the freedoms that we do. Here in America we are not enslaved, we are not burdened by dictatorship, we are free from oppression, we exercise freedom of speech and a right to worship as we please.

This is exactly what God had in mind for us. He so values our freedom that He gave us all the opportunity to choose against Him if we wanted! Just as our great soldiers pay the price for our national and civil freedom so did Christ pay the ultimate price for our spiritual freedom. We have freedom from the dictates of the devil. We are no longer slaves to our flesh or to sin, but have been liberated in God through Christ.

"For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." - Romans 8:2

Let's thank God for our freedom as a nation and for our freedom as His Children.

Be Blessed!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Your enemy is always planning pitfalls for your destruction.

The devil isn't throwing a party on your behalf to celebrate your Christianity! You better believe he is busy having meetings with his demons, planning your demise. The Bible says he knows his time is short on the earth. He has nothing to look forward to but Hell itself, while you and I look forward to eternity with God. The devil's devises are neatly packaged and carefully disguised as normal, everyday problems; issues; situations. They really are pitfalls. Now let's understand, there are natural things that do go wrong in this sin ridden world, but please know that our very deceitful enemy is also at work, camouflaging his evil snares to blend in with everyday things, so as to go virtually unnoticed.

Here's the good news - God's promise to us is that if we live our lives in His presence, He protects us from our enemy, according to Psalm 91. Once we are hidden under His protection, the enemy cannot find us!

As you enjoy this great Independence holiday weekend, don't forget to put God first. Know that He is your protector. It seems like every holiday has its share of incident or fatality, but let God's presence cover you in your homes and wherever you go to ensure that you and your family are safe.

"I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.' Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler..." - Psalm 91:2-3

Be Blessed and enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

God's Not Mad at You

We all do things that we regret.

We harbor feelings of remorse for past actions and decisions, which is appropriate, but we carry the burden of them around with us. Many of us cannot let go of guilt because we feel unworthy of God's forgiveness. We think our sins are too extreme, and that God is mad at us.

Let me enlighten you. GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU. Yes He hates sin, but He loves the sinner! There is nothing that you could ever do that would surprise Him. He knew the things you would do long before you ever did them, that's why He had a plan for your salvation. Jesus carried your burden so you no longer have to. Once we are truly repentant, God will "cast all our sins into the depths of the sea." - Micah 7:19. My friend, God is not mad at you. He loves you and has forgiven you, now you need to allow His forgiveness to release you from your self imprisonment.

"The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy." - Ps 145:8.

Be Blessed!