Monday, July 19, 2010

Listen and Learn

Advice is like hair...everyone has some!

The Bible has a lot to say about advice. It is virtually an inexhaustible subject, so that should indicate just how important it is to God.

The problem is, people don't usually seek after good, Godly advice. We don't desire to become truly wise nor do we seek the advice of others. We often marvel at how King Solomon was the richest man that ever lived but do we remember what made him so wealthy? When he became king his prayer to God wasn't for riches or power or fame or was for the wisdom to lead God's people. The wealth then came as a byproduct of his wisdom.

We should all pray continually for wisdom. The world tells us that we should get knowledge. Knowledge is information, but wisdom is the ability to know what to do with that information.

"I, wisdom, give good advice and common sense. Because of my strength, kings reign in power, and rulers make just laws. I love those who love me. Those who search for me shall surely find me." - Proverbs 8:14-17

Be Blessed!


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