Friday, February 3, 2012

Fearless Friday: Strength & Courage

Today is Friday, the day most of you have waited for all week. It marks the unofficial begnning of your weekend, and whether you are a weekend worrior of all things household or you are a part of the weekend work force, Friday is usually the day you mark your week by. Certain things must happen by Friday. Specific amounts of money are usually needed by Friday. We often hear, "I can't wait 'til Friday because..." Most of the important things are earmarked for a Friday;  things like rent that needs to be paid or someone we must see, or maybe just much needed rest after an exhausting week.

Regardless of the problems you face, you must neutralize your nerves and apprehend your anxieties. Take on strength and courage to face your end-of-week situation.

God spoke to Joshua when he about to replace Moses as the leader of nearly one million people. He said these words...

"Haven't I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

I don't know what your Friday dilema may be today. It could be a rent, mortgage, or child support payment you have to come up with by end of day, or it could be a major problem you have to solve before nightfall. Whatever it is... be strong and courageous! Ask God to guide you through it, to help you find a solution, to make available every resourse you need. Then leave it alone! Remind yourself that it's not by YOUR might or power but only by HIS spirit!

So face your Friday with your head high and your shoulders square. Fear not...for this is Fearless Friday, and God is at work on your behalf!


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